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Your Ultimate Guide to Stress-Free Traveling with Kids

Have you heard the saying going on vacation with kids isn’t really a vacation but the same

chaos in a different location? I love traveling with my kids, but man I feel that comment. I think

bringing them along on the adventures helps many things. It teaches them about different

cultures, different ways of life, promotes family bonding and togetherness, teaches them life

skills, and stirs up a sense of adventure and creativity. However, if you’ve done it a time or two,

you know it’s no easy feat. The endless “are we there yet” questions, getting thrown off sleep

schedules and daily routines, the extra bags to keep up with and carry, and the constant stress

of hoping you can get through one meal with a complete melt down due to late hours and a lot

of waiting can have you hanging up the idea of any type of travel until they are in their teenage

years (maybe).

I refuse to zip up my suitcases for any long period of time, so I have found many helpful hacks

to make the trip easier for you and them… and let’s be real, anyone traveling with you,

especially if they do not have kids in tow.

A few things to have handy

A Go Bag for Car Rides:

In my go bag, we have a variety of activities to keep the kids occupied. I try to

think of things that would be easy for them to keep in the car, so things coloring

books (the magic markers on those little sets at Walmart are genius), handheld

games, flash cards (this is great to encourage big brother/sister to help play with

little, or for mom and dad to join in if your kiddos are close in age like mine), of

course the ipad for some tv time, and little toys that they can use in their seats to

entertain themselves. My boys are big on the little toy cars and they love the little

play tubes from amazon. They promise at least 30-45 minutes of entertainment.


The key to a kiddo’s heart in the car, at least mine, are plenty of snacks and

drinks. We always pack a cooler that is specifically for the road. Most of the time I try to

keep the kids eating “better for you snacks” and we aim for everything to be dye free

(because behavior) but I also mix a little exciting treat in the snack travel bag. It is

exciting for them, usually works to encourage good behavior, and we all like a little treat


  • Buc-ees has a great snack tray in store that makes lap eating super easy! S nacks and to go meals are a perfect fit. It is under $10. I recommend it for older kiddos but it works with my two now. Be sure to look for it in store!!

  • This car seat tray is genius!! Clips right into the cup holder on the car seat for less mess

Comfy seats

To encourage nap times and rest in the car, we always allow the kiddos to bring a

small road blanket, a pillow rest, and a stuffy or two. They get super cozy after

some brain activity and a little tv time and it’s off to count sheep.

Portable Potty

This little potty is a great idea to take along for your road trips. It never fails that my

oldest needs to use the potty when we are stuck in traffic or on a stretch of road

with no potty stops. These are easy, fairly clean to use (at least as clean as you

can be), and save stress for you and your little. It folds up and fits into a bag for easy travel

Flying on a plane?

I still recommend the go bag, just condense it a little so it can be used as your carry on. If you have a little old enough to carry their own bag, you can use their bag, but if not- you will want to make sure you can fit your stuff and theirs into one bag. You are allowed two carry ons, but one has to fit under the seat. The airlines have been cracking down on this lately. I have seen people have to check bags unwillingly and throw things away, so be sure you can fit it all in two per person. The kiddo has to be old enough to carry and move their own or it’s counted as yours. Keke Go Bag is great!


Buy your snacks after security to make the security clearance so much easier.

Bring empty cups!

You can bring milk and formula for babies. They just require an extra check. You

can also bring baby food. Breast milk is allowed to travel as well so don’t be

chunking that milk!

Getting around the airport

The easiest way to get the kiddos through the airport, especially with layovers and plane

trains, is to push or pull them. It’s great if they can roll their own bag. I encourage that

to some degree, but for the little ones or to reduce stress, attached a roller board to your

luggage (or theirs) and pull them along for the ride

Tips on the Lo: Sit your kiddo in the carseat and pull them

  • Headphones

    • Be sure to take headphones, as you will not be able to play the tablets or phones out loud

I also recommend taking your stroller. If you have smaller kids, you can load them and

all your carry on bags in your stroller. Easily push them through the airport and then

gate check your stroller before you board! It will be right there waiting for you when you


Tips on the Lo: Leave the car seat at home if you do not have a car or are renting a car.

You can rent Ubers that have car seats in them, especially in the major cities. You can also rent

the car seats with the rental car companies as well. This will be a major stress reducer.

When to fly

Fly during nap time or bedtime for the little ones, but fly before or after for your bigger kiddos. If

your baby is a lap baby, give it a bottle at take off and then rock them to sleep. The bigger kids are harder to get to sleep, especially in the seats as they don’t fit well into them. They will also be distracted and it can be noisy-to avoid over tiredness and meltdowns, I always suggest going before or after for the bigger kiddos if you can! Give them a snack at take off too! If you can't, just mentally prepare for the day and that has helped

me handle the craziness a bit better.

Headed to the Beach?

Beach travel can be simpler than most think. I think a lot of times we overdo it and cause a lot of stress on ourselves just to find out we don’t use that entire kitchen sink we brought. The beach is a place to rest and a place to let the kiddos run free. You definitely need snacks and a cooler of some sort. They need some beach toys and a chair, but that’s about it. If they like the sand and water, they are going to be entertained endlessly with

just a few sand or water toys. If they don’t, you will be at the pool anyway. For little babies, there

are a few things that might make it easier to be on the beach so you don’t have to leave during

nap time.

  • This will keep them cool. We used it in lieu of a blow up pool. We brought a pool once, but it ended up being a hassle. By the time you blew it up and filled it with water, you wasted almost an hour.

Tips on the Lo: Put baby powder around the legs in their diaper to prevent sand from sticking

  • Always bring an umbrella or some sort of tent to keep shade as much as possible

  • Clip on fan for baby/kiddos for when they are hot or napping

  • Bring a wagon - it makes transport so much easier

    • But if there are a lot of stairs, make sure you have someone who can help you get it down or get one with wheels that will roll down the stairs

  • A tackle box can double as a great snack organizer

  • If you have a Bogg Bag there are several accessories to make your travel more organized and hands free

  • Dividers to help organize but can also double as a tray to eat

  • Clips for keys, room keys, or bands to show occupancy

  • A wet bag to sack up wet clothes

    • Just be sure to take it out to dry within a day or so or it will mold

Other helpful tips

I always take 2 cups, one for milk, one for juice or water. Usually the back packs, diaper

bags, or other travel bags you take have a spot for two cups. I wash them after use and

just reuse for the length of the trip.

Be sure to grab a travel bottle of dish soap! You can use the hotel rag, but you

know I won’t do that so I bring my own!

One bag for snacks that is easily accessible and can be passed from kiddo to kiddo

without much mess

Take restaurant entertainment. This can be an iPad (no judgement you gotta do what you

gotta do to enjoy vacation), crayons and coloring books, or table toys

Traveling is a great way to experience unique things with your family. It can be highly

educational and encourages you to spend quality time, completely focused on them. It’s a great

excuse to have some learning opportunities while on the go and teaches them to be flexible in

their life. Schedules and routines are important, but you have to know how to flex too. Don’t be

afraid to go with the kiddos. Just be sure to find all the ways you can to reduce as much stress

as possible. Remember to give them and yourself some grace. It’s a handful, but it’s worth it.

You only have 18 summers!

My favorite trick is to build the trip up beforehand. Get them excited about the travel. Explain

things they will see. Explain how the travel day will be and let them know what to expect. It

helps if they are familiar with or have some sort of understanding before going. I have found that

this helps with the transition. Encourage them to be on their best behavior because fun treats

are involved. Talk with them before you leave and let them know it can be a little stressful but if

you all work together, it will be so much fun! I have found explanation into an ask is better

received than just demanding it—and that works even outside of travel.

Stay connected

Be sure to follow Hey Lo, Let’s Go on Instagram at @heyloletsgo and TikTok at @heyloletsgolauren.

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